Saturday, 21 February 2015

Real Problems and Graphic Solutions Workshop - OUGD505

In todays workshop a group task has been given for the day. In small groups we have been given a topic to research and produce an outcome for. The subject we had been given within my group was 'MONEY/ECONOMY'. We began this task researching this in general. 

After we each researched into a particular area of money and finance, we collated our information to decide on a particular area of interest that could look further into. We created a brainstorm of our findings, thinking about what area we were all interested as well having something that had enough room for expansion to conduct further research and ideas. We had decided, as the upcoming elections are something that is a major factor in peoples lives at the minute, we would focus our interest into that subject matter. A discussion was had about how inaccessible information is about the different parties and what they stand for. There is so much mis-leading information out there that certain people get overwhelmed by voting, which leads into the public not wanting to vote. This is what we wanted to think about and change. 

We proposed we would create a website, with each parties financial spends, what they stand for, what they would change etc. This website would be accessible to the public as they could then select what matters to them. After they have selected their interest and what they stand for, the website (based on the persons results) would suggest what type of party would be the most suitable for them. This is no way reflects and makes the decision for the viewer, however it is more of a guide that has easy information which makes the election more understandable to the general public. 

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