Thursday, 27 November 2014

Design Production, Brief 3 - Finals and Evaulation - OUGD504

This is my final coffee website. Due to not coding the website, I have included a video of the coffee steam (how the webpage would move) and a still of the homepage to show the composition and layout:

My website is an informal, lighthearted coffee site that people can engage with. It was aimed at coffee drinkers and people who visit coffee stores regularly. After looking into research, the idea for the site was based on a study I had found on 'What Does Your Coffee Order Say About You?. This is what the website is about, the separate pages explain the different coffee personalities, alongside an 'Upload' page in where people can posts their opinions on the study, discussing whether they feel it is correct on the drink they order. There is also a 'Find' page in where they can use a locator to find the nearest coffee store near them. I was unsure whether this would work as a site, but feel due to the informality, it could be something the public use when sat drinking coffees.

Like the rest of my outcomes within this module, I am unsure how I feel with my website. When I first started designing, I thought it was going really well however after development and refinement I have started to get more and more judgmental and self critical throughout the brief. I feel this has definitely impacted my work within this module, as I have now not enjoyed the brief as much as I would have liked.
I was shocked in how different I have found designing for the web has been compared to print. At first I struggled with getting to grips with thinking it can continue down the page instead of been restricted to one size. This is what I struggled to understand the difference of and changing my designs accordingly. I think the overall designs and interaction of the website would work if made into a fully functional website. I feel including interactions such as the single page for the 'coffee' section and the moving image on the homepage creates move of an interest to the site instead of it being so simple. I think the colour scheme works in relation to the subject without connoting another brand of coffee. This was a huge concern when starting this brief, so feel I have overcome this with the dark tones of the imagery and the contrasting purple which shows the intensity of coffee itself. This is where choosing a web safe colour came into play. I thought it was going to be much more of a struggle to select a colour I was happy with, however think it works with the concept of my site well. This was the same for selecting type that would be web safe. I used Avenir as my main body copy, followed with Ostrich Sans for the headings. The mix of these and the hand-rendered inspired logo works well for the audience, as the fonts are quite structured but informal at the same time. The layout and grid system I used was inspired by the single page layout I was aiming for. The 'coffee' page, if coded, would be a single page, for this reason I have applied everything centrally as well as bleeding the imagery off so nothing was aligned to the left or right. I think this would work as a single page due to the arrangement. 

For further production I would code this website into a single page with separate pages for uploading and finding. If I could expand on this I would create more in-depth pages with longer and more detailed content. The aim would be to attract as many viewers as possible to the site to get as much content as possible. I would also expand on the 'Find' section, making the locator a reality. I would also maybe expand the website by including more content of the find pages - maybe information on each store and a link to their websites? I would make the moving image much clearer on the homepage and begin to think about apps and social media. I feel even though I am not 100% happy with the site, I feel I worked the pages as well as I could have with the content I had. I feel if I were to do this brief again I would get more content for the site as well as creating the homepage first instead of the coffee pages. I would also work further on apps and responsive design. I feel with this brief it has made me think much more about designing for web and the differences it has to print. Although I only learnt a very small amount of coding, it has opened my eyes to the possibilities of coding something. I am definitely going to keep in mind the idea of designing for web on other briefs, as well as trying to learn more about coding for the future. 


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