Sunday, 12 October 2014

Design Production, Brief 1 - Finals and Evaluation - OUGD504



I am slightly unsure about my feelings of my final leaflet. Although I am generally pleased with the overall aesthetic of the piece, I feel the final look of the fold could be improved. If I could re-do this brief, I would try a much simpler fold such as the envelope ideas I was looking into. The doubt I have in the fold is purely due to how many creases are in my leaflet, effecting the stock and final look. I think this would probably be an issue if this were taken commercially. I think the amount of folds would definitely be an issue if this would needed to be reproduced a number of times. However if this was taken to professional printers, this could probably be done quite easily. I think due to having only two colours would make reproducing this slightly cheaper too. I feel another commercial limitation would be how these leaflets would be stacked, as they are not fully flat, they could not be stacked like the average leaflet. Even though the overall look would be more engaging and enticing to pick up than the average leaflet, I feel my previous idea of the envelope would have been a better choice for reproduction.

I do however like the overall design I have done, as it works in with the different folds and creases created in my leaflet. I feel my concepts I have chosen to work with such as structure and confidence have been well illustrated with the themes I have chosen, such as how the leaflet opens and closes (showing confidence growth). I feel design decision such as colour choice is well suited with my concepts also.

I think I could have been slightly more adventurous with my content. If I would have gone down the route of more image based content or more interesting type, it may have made my work slightly more engaging to read and view. 

I do feel this has being an effective ‘welcome back’ brief, as it has given me the motivation to get back into working to a deadline. This brief has definitely made me learn more about my process and myself. It has being interesting to take notice of how others and I go about the design process, whether if its in a similar way or completely different. It has helped me pin-point certain aspects I should work on in future briefs. For example, even though it gave me an interesting concept to work with, I do need to start being more confident in my work all the way through. I think I can allow myself to be critical but I should not be negative about my work as much. This brief has also given me a greater respect for leaflet design, I have never really consider this before due to never having a brief on leaflets. It is something I will now bear in mind for more open briefs.

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