TASK - To research into one piece of theoretical knowledge relating to new media.
A Theoretical Approach to Web Design in E-commerce by Jaeki Song.
"How the web design in e-commerce attracts a customers interest or not."
A Theoretical Approach to Web Design in E-commerce by Jaeki Song.
"How the web design in e-commerce attracts a customers interest or not."
Song states that we 'measure the impact of web design elements on the beliefs and behaviours of customers. It requires an understanding on how customers interact with the site.' In the text it studies the synthesis theories of psychological and consumerist behaviour.
To me this shows how a website is designed is hugely dependent on the target audience, the purpose of the webpage etc. It is very dependent on the users experience to whether it is going to be successful of not.
TPB: Theory of Planned Behaviour
- personal, social, control.
'Attitude - whether we are in favour of performing a behaviour or act.'
This shows whether the viewer wants to purchase something or not. This could be dependent on what they are wanting to purchase. Will the design on the webpage put them off if is too overwhelming? or will this need and want to buy make them have more patience with a webpage.
This shows whether the viewer wants to purchase something or not. This could be dependent on what they are wanting to purchase. Will the design on the webpage put them off if is too overwhelming? or will this need and want to buy make them have more patience with a webpage.
'Subjective Norm - The social pressure. The opinions of others are important in deciding, this will desire them to purchase or not.'
Social pressure will have a high impact in whether to purchase an item. If peers are purchasing, it may make others. If someone is looking at an item, and another suggests it may not be suitable, this could change the whole desire and want to buy it.
Social pressure will have a high impact in whether to purchase an item. If peers are purchasing, it may make others. If someone is looking at an item, and another suggests it may not be suitable, this could change the whole desire and want to buy it.
'Perceived Behavioural Control - The ease of difficulty carrying out the behaviour or not i.e. the guilt of buying.'
This is the guilt we have when buying something we do not need or want.
This is the guilt we have when buying something we do not need or want.
"Because purchasing from a website is a behaviour influenced by web customers attitudes, beliefs and perceptions, we apply this theory to conceptualise the process by which the design of an e-commerce web-site can influenced by social factors."
A study was produced by selecting a number of websites and categorising these into promotion, service, external interpersonal source, navigation and purchase facilitation. This was study the elements in which attracted a customer to e-commerce and whether they purchased items or not.
PROMOTION - Critical features of e-commerce attracts traffic due to price:
If a viewer sees promotional material it will instantly attract them to a webpage. When we see 'sale' we feel we must see what the bargains are and whether we can save money. It will instantly grab the attention of a viewer, attracting them to purchase.
If a viewer sees promotional material it will instantly attract them to a webpage. When we see 'sale' we feel we must see what the bargains are and whether we can save money. It will instantly grab the attention of a viewer, attracting them to purchase.
SERVICE - Money back grantees, warranties, security:
This will work similar to the promotional material. When we see promotional or extra services, we feel we are getting something for our money. This theory is what attracts us to purchase. If this is designed in a way where this is obvious, it will attract more customers.
This will work similar to the promotional material. When we see promotional or extra services, we feel we are getting something for our money. This theory is what attracts us to purchase. If this is designed in a way where this is obvious, it will attract more customers.
EXTERNAL INTERPERSONAL SOURCE - Convey other peoples opinions to influence people. Customer ratings, comments and testimonials:
If we hear or see ratings on a website, it will either grow the desire to have the item to put us off completely. When websites make these ratings accessible for us to see, it gives off the idea that it is trustable product, making it easier for us to purchase.
If we hear or see ratings on a website, it will either grow the desire to have the item to put us off completely. When websites make these ratings accessible for us to see, it gives off the idea that it is trustable product, making it easier for us to purchase.
NAVIGATION - Sense of efficiency, personalised, the ease of the navigation.
PURCHASE FACILITATION - Comprehensive, rich information to add to the experience. They include graphics, multimedia etc to compensate not being in the store. The constraint and lack of physical access:
I personally feel this is a huge impact in attracting customers as I have done it myself. If we see the product moving thanks to video and other multimedia, we feel a sense of security. Making it so we feel better about the purchase.
I have found looking at e-commerce and the use of different tactics to get viewers to purchase has been extremely interesting. I had never took into consideration factors such as video to show an item would help in pushing a sale, however it does and in a huge impacting way. The techniques explained in this theory really show how through the use of websites customers are still drawn, probably more so than within a shop. Looking into the consideration and placement of these techniques just shows to me how important designing for web is and something to definitely keep in mind when designing my site.
SONG. J & ZAHEDI.F, 2005, www.jstor.org, [Online], Available from http://www.jstor.org/stable/20110413?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents, [date accessed 29/10/2014]
Website I applied the theory to:
www.debenhams.com, [Online], Available from http://www.debenhams.com, [date accessed 29/10/2014]
www.topshop.com, Available from http://www.topshop.com/?geoip=home, [date accessed 29/10/2014]
I have found looking at e-commerce and the use of different tactics to get viewers to purchase has been extremely interesting. I had never took into consideration factors such as video to show an item would help in pushing a sale, however it does and in a huge impacting way. The techniques explained in this theory really show how through the use of websites customers are still drawn, probably more so than within a shop. Looking into the consideration and placement of these techniques just shows to me how important designing for web is and something to definitely keep in mind when designing my site.
SONG. J & ZAHEDI.F, 2005, www.jstor.org, [Online], Available from http://www.jstor.org/stable/20110413?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents, [date accessed 29/10/2014]
Website I applied the theory to:
www.debenhams.com, [Online], Available from http://www.debenhams.com, [date accessed 29/10/2014]
www.topshop.com, Available from http://www.topshop.com/?geoip=home, [date accessed 29/10/2014]
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