Thursday, 30 October 2014

Responsive - OUGD503

BRIEF - To identify and respond to a range of competition or live briefs that reflect my emerging interests within graphic design. 

The initial briefs I have being thinking about doing:

- L.C.M Collaboration
- 'A little bit extra'
- Wallpaper
- Moo
- 'Oranges Are Not The Only Fruit'
- Numiko

After contemplation and seen as the D&AD have just arrived, I have decided to re-visit the initial briefs I thought about. This is to see if I still have a keen enough interest in working on them. 

The Briefs I Am Interested In Now:

LEEDS COLLEGE OF MUSIC: I am still wanting to do a 'Leeds College of Music' collaboration, in where I will be able to do some personal branding or identity work for a LCoM student. I still am yet to find someone to collaborate with, I feel there have not been too many emails from people at the college and so am having difficulty in finding some suitable who likes my work. I am still going to bare this brief in mind and hopefully will be in touch with someone soon.

MOO (YCN): Moo has just released their brief on YCN, they have recently updated their brand by adding a tagline of 'Design Works Wonders'. The aim of the brief is raise awareness of their new belief and 'bring this to life' through any media that is appropriate. I feel this will help me push myself in terms of how I work, I feel the idea of 'bringing something to life' suggests movement, possible animation? I can use this brief to build on my skill set as well as expanding my work in competition briefs. 
Deadline: 19th March 2015

JOHN LEWIS (D&AD): John Lewis are wanting a re-invention of their home delivery packaging. They want to appeal to online shoppers by trying to give them a similar experience as in-store shoppers have. I feel this is a perfect brief for me to do, I love online shopping and so feel I can apply myself to being the target audience. I wanted to expand my knowledge in packaging and so feel this is another reason I should attempt this brief. I feel I can convey my passion for John Lewis itself and online shopping to hopefully achieve something successful.
Deadline: 31st March 2015

'ORANGES ARE NOT THE ONLY FRUIT' (PENGUIN BOOKS)The brief is to re-design the cover for Jeanette Wintersons Oranges are not the only fruit. The authors writing is vivid, experimental and imaginative so the design should reflect this. There are many issues and themes within the book which should also be addressed. I feel this is completely different to what usual briefs I go for, so feel this would be a great opportunity to expand my usual way of working. Making for a (hopefully) more diverse portfolio. 
Deadline: 11th March 2015

CREAM BEAUTY SALON: I have recently been in contact with a family friend who is in pursuit of some new business cards, price menus etc for her beauty salon business. I like the business as it is, as it does not have a cliche logo of a script and decorative style. For this reason I am thinking of meeting up with her to discuss if I could possibly re-design the products. 

DON'T PANIC POSTER: 'Don't Panic' set numerous briefs every few months, I have recently been looking at there most recent 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' poster competition. Due to timescale I decided not to submit work, but am going to keep an eye out for any up-coming competitions they release. 

NUMIKO: When Numiko came in to speak to us, they set a possible brief for us to do. This was to choose a charity organisation and design a webpage to raise awareness for the charity. I really wanted to do this brief but feel I have left the work too late to submit anything. I am going to look at timescale to see whether this is still possible to submit for. 

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