This is my final logo for The Little Hop Shop. I am very unsure about my final outcome as it has not achieved the overall look I was aiming for. I wanted to convey something new within my logo as I feel The Little Hop Shop is so different to what you normally see on the high street. I feel I have not achieved this within my logo. However, in saying that, it has achieved the concepts and design requirements I was aiming for within my logo. I wanted to show the 'luxury' feel of the brand and I feel the hand-made element of the type shows this. I also wanted something that would subtly reflect the plant and feel I have achieved this through the liquid nature of the crossbar as well as the colour choice. With my colour choice I have been slightly concerned I may have been too obvious, however I feel if this was to be taken on to a branding brief I could probably re-work the colour scheme on the packaging to not seem too obvious.
I am slightly disappointed I did not experiment with more image based ideas within this project but feel what I have achieved answers the requirements I was aiming for. A big problem I had within this brief was choosing a suitable secondary typeface for underneath the logo, however all in all I feel I chose a successful font in going with Futura as it is clean, cut and contrasts well with the nature of the 'H'. What I am pleased with myself in the brief is trying to explore something new. Although I would have liked to have worked with more image based ideas, I feel exploring hand-rendered type has been something completely new to me. On previous briefs I feel I have stuck to working solely digitally with very structured work - I feel I have again done this but my beginning process has been completely different. I enjoyed experimenting with creating typography and scanning that in as a posed to finding a type I like already installed on the mac. I feel this has opened me up slightly to working more hands on. I am going to try and keep exploring different techniques and mediums in the up-coming briefs so I don't end up with all my work looking too similar.
Hopefully the logo will appeal to both men and women and I haven't over-flourished the 'H'. I think as an overall logo having the 'H' solely will hopefully engage viewers to look further and ask what it is representing. If I could expand on this brief I would think more about the packaging. For my mock ups I stuck to white packaging, however to take this further I would move on from white, trying to push completely different colours and ideas than the average bath/home care ranges I look at within my research. If I could re-do this brief I would probably try more image based work, but for a weeks brief I am overall pleased however just feel I could have pushed the logo slightly further.
Getting In Contact
I have recently decided to get in contact with the Little Hop Shop to get their feedback and opinions on my logo. I was extremely pleased when they responded as her feedback was extremely useful in developing the logo further. She discussed how it was slightly too commercial for the feel of her brand which I completely agree with. I knew I have not pushed the 'handmade element' enough within the logo but instead focused on the hop plant itself. It was great to hear her thoughts and was extremely pleased when she suggested to send her any refinements or changes I make. I am going to keep in contact with Cayla as I want to attempt the changes she has suggested. If I have time within the module I want to make said changes and see whether I can get anymore feedback:
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