Saturday, 4 October 2014

Design Production, Brief 1 - Refinement After Critique - OUGD504

After my critique I went on finishing my leaflet. I have added the appropriate body copy to my leaflet and wrote down how I tackle each stage.

I then wasn't sure whether it needed something else. I thought about adding small symbols that represent each stage. I dropped the opacity of them and applied them to each section. I am not sure whether it combines both sections of the square together or whether it makes it look chaotic?

After looking at it as a full leaflet, feel it does not need the symbols. I think where they take up works much better as negative space, which making the leaflet more breathable. 

I have now begun developing the back of the leaflet. As it gets folded up, I feel there is no reason why it needs information of the back. I do feel however it needs some colour. I have begun experimenting with my colour scheme of grey, yellow and white and begun testing different ways I can apply colour to the leaflet. I am going to print these and see which looks the most effective once folded. 

I think on reflection the grey will be too dark and dull for the back of the leaflet. I think I need to stick with the yellow and white as I feel it will seem 'friendlier'. I am not going to use the symbols experiment either, purely due to it not linking in with the rest of my content inside the leaflet.

I began trying to work out the orientation my colours needed to be. I was struggling getting to grips on how it would turn in the printer and what needed to be on the back of what:

I printed this on thin normal stock from the average printer. I do not think it would be suitable to use this for my final due to it not being heavy enough to hold the amount of ink needed for my design. I am thinking of using stock that's slightly heavier but that still has enough flexibility to be folded. I will test a few different papers before deciding on the most suitable for my final. 

I folded the paper to test whether I had got the correct layout for the back of the leaflet. I had applied the white triangles in the wrong place and so the yellow was on the inside as apposed to the out. I will need to re-print and test further. 

One thing I did come across with this experiment is the size. I thought I would be creating my leaflet at a 30x30cm size, however by mistake I printed this on A4 so it printed 20x20cm. It turned out I much preferred the sizing of the leaflet at the smaller size as I feel it looked more precise. I am now going to re-size my original document to the 20cm and work on this size from now on. 

I repositioned the triangles into how I thought the fold would work. I re-printed and tested again. 

On this experiment the colours were in the correct placement. However due to the folding some of the white was visible. I am going to apply extra bleed to try and avoid this problem. 

When I tested again everything turned out correctly. I am going to now test different stocks in preparation of printing my final. 

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