Thursday, 3 April 2014

Design Principles Session 4: What is a Book - OUGD404

Within this session we were asked to continue on with our thumbnails for our 1o double page spreads. We were also given short blog surgeries to check all previous work was in order for the up-coming module hand-in. 

For this session we were asked to bring in the final content for five double page spreads. This is so we could enlarge our initial thumbnails and take them forward for development, with the correct content within them. We were also asked to decide on the format of what our ten layouts will be. I experimented with a few formats previously, to see which would be best suited for both content and layout. 
I have settled on the square format. This was due to this being able to fit a substantial amount of information within it, while also being more interesting than the regular A or B paper size. I think it also fits in well with the brief as a whole, as we have looked into actually 'what is a book'. It has being interesting to explore that the format, layout and content doesn't have to be what we expect as long as keeps to certain rules. The square I think shows this, as it is both different while also being able to comply with the average size/shape of a book. 
I started the session by continue on with my smaller thumbnails at the correct format of a square. I had done a few thumbnails around the square format but not enough to experiment with a variety of possible layouts:

I then moved onto to scaling my initial small thumbnails onto the correct size. This was to take my smaller ideas forward and see how they work on a bigger scale. This will help the process of taking my design digitally easier, as I will already see how the layout will work.

Grids for all ten layouts:

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