Thursday, 4 June 2015

Design Practice 2 - Module Evaluation - OUGD505

OUGD505 has been one of my most enjoyable modules so far in terms of briefs and what I have produced. It has allowed me to explore new techniques as well as new skills. Due to the briefs, I have explored information that I otherwise would not have done. Biomimicry is something I now have a keen personal interest in and something that I will always look into. In conducting the research it has made me more aware of the environmental issues that are at bay within society and made my opinions more informed and relevant of the subject matter. Looking into theorist is something that I would never have done either, however through ‘Covered’ I am now keen to read and understand more of Foucault’s works. The module has made me much more confident in using the resources on my own. Normally I only use them when need be, however taking it upon myself and doing it independently now has given me great confidence to keep using the resources at my disposal, as this only benefits me and my work.

This module has made me think about new ways of working, methods such as screen-printing has only improved the aesthetic of my work. Not only that but using new materials such as spot varnish have created intrigue and depth to the work I have produced. Spot varnishing was a huge challenge for me within the covered brief, however is something that I now feel confident to try again. Looking into interactive print is a new method I have researched into through my Biomimicry work. Although I was never able to produce a lenticular image, I now have knowledge and information on the subject, which I otherwise would not have done. Another method that I used was using museums and exhibitions as key research within Brief 1.

I feel a strength within my work this module has been how experiential I have been in terms of ideas as well as production. In doing this it has added greater depth to my work and made my final outcomes that bit more interesting. I feel as though my design decisions have been much more informed and conceptual. I have used my knowledge and research to create more insightful work. There have been some challenges though within this module, time management has been a huge issue, however this was made easier with my extension. Time management is something I am normally good at, however has not been the case within the module. This is something that I will get back to doing at Level 6. Due to this I have not put as much time into things I would have liked, such as blogging. This is something I will get back to doing on a daily and weekly basis, compared to leaving it at the last minute like I have done this time. Another issue I feel that has let this module down has been primary research, both within the research brief and in general. I could have conducted further primary research for the biomimicry brief instead of just solely going to exhibitions. First hand book research could also have been used for ‘Covered. Now I know where my weaknesses have lied, I can rectify this for future modules.

1 comment:

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