TASK - How could graphic design be used to ensure that more than 41% of 18-22 year-olds actually participate in the election process? In groups of threes consider this and produce an outcome in response to this. The final outcome/idea will then need to be pitched and presented to tutors and peers.
The task began by selecting our groups we would be working with. I was with Eva and Matthew. As I was away for the first group meeting my other peers discussed possible ideas and discussed reasons why the target audience do not vote. On the second group meeting both my peers caught me up and what had been discussed. We spoke about factors such as it is not as accessible to young people and most find it confusing, there is much mistrust with most of the parties up for election hence they also feel there is not much point. After we thought these were the main key elements as to why, we needed to come up a solution that tackled this problem. There was not much that we can do in terms of political parties lying about certain issues, however we thought the accessibility and laziness factor could be quite interesting to tackle.

As a group we decided an app of some sorts would be the most appropriate option for our outcome. This would include interactive games such as 'boxing' games with each party, as they are fighting for the election. We thought due to the age range of out target audience, this would fit in quite well. We would include other categories within the app such as informing them of what each party stands for, what upcoming events are taking place i.e. broadcasts. Due to the age range we thought an interactive element which included information would engage the audience much more. The fun element of the game would entice them to download the app.

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