BRIEF - Develop a visual and contextual investigation of a specific subject. This subject matter needs to relate to social, political or ethical change. Aim to increase my awareness of historical examples plus contemporary practice that is responsive to 21st century issues.
This brief was begun by thinking about certain issues that were of interest. These were put together in a brainstorm then thought about in terms of which had the most room for expansion, as well as thinking about the possibilities of research that could be conducted. These issues could be as easy-going or as serious as we wish. However for me, I didn't want to research something that was overly grave as I need to conduct in-depth research and I don't want it to be too dry. Because of this issues were wrote down and selected that had a series tone however not too overwhelming. My initial thoughts were on overpopulation however after speaking to a tutor, realised this might come across as quite a dry topic area with little room for exciting research. Topics such as education were thought about, but due to what is begin conducted in other modules, thought it would be more beneficial to select something entirely new. Environmental issues were then thought about, after looking into some of the issues within this topic, the decline of biodiviersity was something that really created intrigue.
Current issues within biodiversity were thought about and written down. Issues such as sustainability, deforestation and the decline of eco-systems are all something that could be looked into, while also presenting the opportunity for primary research. After discussing my idea with a tutor, he suggested about including biomimicry into my research. This is something that I feel I would like the focus of my research to be on, as it is such a different yet interesting subject matter. Yet without conducting my research fully, cannot say this indefinitely.
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