Digital development began after initial ideas were thought about. The first idea that began getting produced was the idea of fertilisation (as the song is about sexual innuendos). This began with the idea of an egg illustration, for obvious connotation reasons. The colour scheme was decided through looking into egg shell colours. The pallet for these seemed to work in conjunction with one another, while still having a clear and concise link back to eggs in general. From this the illustration began taking shape by using vector shaped imagery.
The texture of the egg was attempted as a background, however due to the colours saturation standing out better on a block colour the texture was dismissed.

Within the development of this idea, the concept expanded into creating a solider to go with the egg. This was through looking back at my initial idea of egg and solders i.e. bread. However changed this slightly through creating an actual solider. This not only has connotations of egg and solders (the food), but refers back to the fertilisation connotations, illustrating the idea in a much clearer way.
Experiments with layout and composition were then addressed. A number of different scales were attempted but none were conveying the messaging that was trying to be shown. An experiment was then tried with the solider positioned inside the egg, this had a more obvious connotation and worked well with the overall idea. As the illustration was vector based and very structured, it was more suitable to have the solider less obviously dipped than trying to show the yoke as it worked far more appropriately with the illustration style.

Development on the second concept was then started, 'you could have a bigger dipper' is one of the lyrics that was of interest when listening to the song. However instead of bringing rollercoasters to mind, the 'big dipper' constellation was thought of. From this the big dipper was drawn then produced digitally.

After experimenting with different backgrounds as well as deciding whether to include the names of the stars, it was decided that this was not a strong enough concept to continue on with development. The overall concept was not strong and perhaps slightly too obvious for secret 7".
Going back to the idea of innuendos, there is a well-known saying/joke of 'Thats what she said'. It is the perfect example of sexual innuendos and light-hearted jokes. As it is supposed to be so light-hearted and tongue in cheek, the media used needed to reflect this also. This is why is has been drawn and written out to be scanned at a later stage. The informality of the hand-writing links well with the light-hearted nature of the saying itself.
The handwriting was then scanned in and vectorised digitally. A speech bubble was also drawn to convey the idea of it being spoken by someone. A number of experiments were produced and tested. Instead of having the saying written out fully, an interesting way of showing the saying was in a quote like way. This had more intrigue into what actually was being said and takes the viewer a while to understand what is going on. Normally this would be not be suitable, but seen as it is for the secret 7" competition and the idea is to be secretive, it is more effective to do so.

The final idea that was worked on was again based on the innuendo themes that has been focused on with the previous experiments. However within this idea a sledgehammer has been incorporated into the design, linking back to the title of the song. Using negative space and the hammer head of the tool, a 'hammer' with other connotations has been created.

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