Research on this brief began by looking into the new seven wonders of the world. This was going to be the main concept along the brief and so needed to be looked into. Seven is average number of items a person can remember, this is why there are seven wonders. It celebrates the cultural diversity of our planet as well as respect and honour. Millions of people have voted for the new seven wonders, making it so they are everyones choice into what they are. "It is inspiring and making people more aware of what we are leaving behind for our children and future generations."
It just so happens there are seven letter in the word 'wonders', making it a perfect concept and example for this brief. Each wonder was briefly looked into, thinking about what makes each so influential. The inspiration was looked into as each of the series has been designed. Looking into this has helped with developing of ideas as I can take certain elements of each monument and apply it to whatever is designed.

As a poster series is now been created, posters and layouts have been looked into. Elements such as how they have applied colour, shape and texture needed to be thought about when looking into these.
Below the four set series use bold use of colour alongside just as impacting imagery and type. They each are just as striking as one another and due to how each is balanced out, does not look mismatched or out of place. The use of colour is applied in an interesting way, the colours are linked through the series but the difference in where it has been applied differs. This draws attention to certain elements of the posters, leading the viewers eyes to the most important information first. All this has been done intentionally to draw the viewer in, making it seem chaotic when actually they are quite visually interesting to look at. Even though some of the poster use full bleed imagery as the background, and others a colour, they still all link due to images, colour and type. Perhaps this is something that needs to be thought about when designing the Moo series. Applying colour in different ways does not mean they will be mismatched, but instead creates a visually impacting poster series.
The poster below uses both photography and geometric shapes to create a striking visual. The mismatched textures should create an off balance however instead are well suited to the imagery used. The colour scheme is simple and bold making each element of the poster stand out. The textures that have been applied should not work in conjunction with one another, however due to the composition and the use of colour, this is not the case.
The decorative type used creates an personable, friendly feel to the poster. This works in conjunction to what the type is actually saying. The word 'you're' is used, making it personal to the viewer. The imagery communicates this further and works well with the typography used. It is decorative yet simple due to how the type and image are working together. The flourishes on the corners of the posters are unnecessary. I feel the type is decorative enough without having more flourishes in the corners.
The vector imagery works well with photography used. What is interesting is how the vectors are overlaid showing some colour, some image. It created different textures among the posters, creating depth and intrigue. The geometric nature makes for a simple yet detailed image that is visually striking. Some of the information is highlight through the shapes used, making the viewer not know where to look. Highlighting key features is something to think about when developing the Moo poster series as this is something that needs communicating.
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